Sunday, February 24, 2008

moving.... to the home of the 72 oz. steak

Well I found out a little while ago that my division of air attack is moving to Amarillo, TX. I will be spending the night here in Abilene but will be taking a 197 mile trip to the Northeast tomorrow. I have heard that Amarillo has some mean steakhouses but they won't be getting any business from me, as I am not a big steak fanatic! Well today has been a busy day, we have been flying since about 9:30 this morning and will be done here on this fire at about 7:30 pm or so. My mom and dad came down from Dallas/Ft. Worth to come see me, but I will only be able to hang out with them this evening as I will be moving about 4 1/2 hours away! Everything else has been going well, just alot of flying and alot of fires.


LeLe said...

You're from Texas and you don't like steak? What's wrong with you, boy?

Les said...

I don't get it. You go off hundreds of miles away and you find time to not only blog, but blog everyday!

I love it!

Blessings All Mine said...

I'm enjoyin' the blogs, too, man. Stay safe, Mr. Firefighter in the Sky....Oooooh. That should be your new blog name, "Firefighter in the Sky..." of "Sky Fighta" hahaha.

Anonymous said...

Stay safe flying and fighting those fires! Glad you got to see your parents even if it was brief! Now don't forget that gift for Les.

LC said...

Glad you got to see your parents as I am sure they miss seeing you. Have fun and don't forget to bring your only sis a nice present too....**wink, wink!!

B Lines said...

I like the "sky fighta" handle MJD. You should think about it. Although Cross-wind Chaos is appropriate as well. I bet your folks were glad to see their boy. We mama's are always glad to see our babies.

Unknown said...

You ain't just whistling DIXIE. It was great to see you Matt and was sorry we couldn't do it for two days instead of one. It's fun to see you fly and know that you LOVE IT so much. More Later MOM