Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Airplane Pics....

Here are some pictures to looks at of the new airplanes that I will be getting to fly at my new job. The picture on top is of a Cessna 340, and the picture on the bottom is of a Cheyenne IIIA which is a turbo-prop airplane (jet engine running a propeller) that description was for Les as that was the easiest way to describe it. I usually have to explain aviation things to her in a max of one sentence or she stops listening to me!!! Well I hope that you guys enjoy the pictures.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

New Job...

If you haven't heard by now, the other day I went in for an interview and came out with a new job. I will be working for Airborne Flying Services in Hot Springs starting in the middle of the month. Right now I am using some of my time of from the forestry service to go and do some of the training and riding along with some of their pilots to build up some experience! I am pretty excited about starting to work here because their chief pilot explained to me that after about 100 hours of riding along in their turbine airplanes that they can get me checked out to start flying it which seems like a pretty good deal. Yesterday, today and monday they have me going through a ground school class for these airplanes then on Tuesday we are going to go do some flying in them, I am pretty fired up about that! I felt bad the other day when I had to put in my 2 weeks at forestry and tell everyone that I am leaving!!! It is tough to leave behind a job that has been such a help and where I have alot of friends and go to a new job where things are unknown and new. I think that it will be a rather seemless transition though as some of the pilots that work up here for the company are very nice and seem like that can help a brother out if I needed it! Well sorry that I haven't blogged in a while, Lele got onto me about it, but there has been so much going on right now that I haven't had much free time recently! Hope that someone reads this as most of you don't even check this page anymore! BYE.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Finally got my Xbox back....

Well yesterday I greeted the UPS man as he made me sign to get my Xbox back... I'm so happy! Les on the other hand is probably not... Well everything else is going pretty good here, good week for me, Xbox came in the mail, got new cell phone, Hogs are playing tomorrow... all is well. I also see that no one posted on my blog about Kyle XY, Les said that was because my show is gay. Probably so.

Monday, October 8, 2007

5 a.m. workouts and Kyle XY...

Well today was the first day of Les and my 5 am workouts. All went well I guess, I think that it will take some time for her to adjust to getting up that early! I pretty much hit the ground running in the morning, she on the other hand, not so much!!! Sunday was a pretty boring day, Les and I both stayed home from church as neither one of us felt half-way decent. Les had to catch up on grading some of her kids papers so I had to kill alot of time by myself. Well one of my coworkers told me about a website that you could get on and watch tv shows and movies and I got hooked on a show, "Kyle XY." Well Les gives me a hard time about watching this show, but all is fair, I give her a hard time about watching "Charmed" Well the website had all of the episodes on it except for the last 5, and I really wanted to know how it ended the season. So after sweet talking Les she said to go ahead and purchase the episodes on itunes. Well it was some of the best money spent as it kept boredom at bay for pretty much all day. Well heres to a rain soaked Monday, hope that everyone has a good week.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

new cell phone... yay!

I am finally getting a new cell phone after the last one bit the dust! In the words of Chelle... YAY! I think that is what she says but none the less I am pretty stoked about getting a new phone so that I can stop using Les's old hand-me-down phone. Well I know that no one has probably read my blog in a while due to taking a big hiatus but bear with me I will try and be a better blogger in the near future.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

stole this from Les...

1. Who is your woman? Leslie
2. How long have you been together? Married just over 3 years.
3. How long dated? 5 years
4. How old is your woman? 28
5. Who eats more? I do.
6. Who said "I love you" first? I did, we were outside of the dorms at Henderson.
7. Who is taller? I am.
8. Who sings better? Its probably a toss up in this category...
9. Who is smarter? Me. I am, but I let her think that she is the brains in the operation.
11. Who does the laundry? I'll wash and dry, but I hate to fold!
12. Who takes out the garbage? That would be me.
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do.
14. Who pays the bills? I am learning to do the budget at the current time, so it is a joint effort.
15. Who is better with the computer? Les can type better, but that is about it.
16. Who mows the lawn? me
17. Who cooks dinner? Les and cooking usually don't go in the same sentence, so I would say, me.
18. Who drives when you are together? I do.
19. Who pays when you go out? depends whos wallet the credit card comes out of.
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? That would probably be me, I am wrong quite a but.
22. Whose parents do you see the most? We see Les's family more often cause they live closer.
23. Who kissed who first? Les kissed me first, actually before I had broken up with the girl I was dating.
24. Who asked who out? Probably me, but don't really remember.
25. Who proposed? I did but she knew it was coming.
26. Who is more sensitive? I am.
27. Who has more friends? I have alot of friends but only a couple of best friends, Les has more close friends then I do.
29. Who wears the pants in the family? Both I would say just depends on the issue at hand.