Saturday, July 28, 2007

Getting up early doesn't have any advantages!

Well I got up at my normal time today... 6 a.m. only problem is that everyone else won't be up for a while! Les is crashed out in the bed behind me and everyone else is sawing logs upstairs! I did get up this morning and watch a webcast of "Greek" which is a pretty good show on abcfamily. I don't think that I can wait any longer till all of our shows kick back off in the Fall. You know Heroes (I know Lele watches this one), Lost... who doesn't watch that, October road (Chelle knows what I'm talking about), the Closer (which is on this summer), and Grey's Anatomy. Well everyone have a good weekend, when they wake up!


Anonymous said...

I can admit that I have never seen any episodes of "Lost" but my husband DVR's them all to watch when I am not around.

B Lines said...

I love Lost! I can't tell you why, because I get so aggravated at how they repeat so much of it in each episode. I seldom get hooked on a show, but I really hate to miss it. I guess I just love the sci-fi quality of it.

LeLe said...

I gave up on "Lost" in the first season because it was on Bible study night and just haven't gotten back into it. I thought they canceled "October Road". I only watched two episodes of that. BUT, I can't WAIT for "Heroes" to come back on and see all of that craziness.