Sunday, July 8, 2007

Remember back in the day?

Ok, the wife and I went to see Transformers the movie yesterday and I have to say that was one of the best movies I have seen in a while. Les and I sat around last night and talked about all of the cartoons that we used to watch as youngins. I found out that she was traumatized as a youth by a lady that bought the last he-man toy in Dillards when she was about 4 or so years old. This had to be the saddest story that I have ever heard. I wanted to give her all of the He-man toys that I accumulated from my childhood to ease her pain! Being just a step under thirty it was nice to see a movie that reminded me of Saturday mornings growing up, back to the time in life where there weren't any cares in the world, no bills, work... etc. If you haven't seen Transformers yet, you need to go now! Les said she is waiting on the new Jem movie to hit the box office! Just kidding.


LeLe said...

JEM! Jem is excitement. Oooh, Jem. Jem came with tapes of songs and Les and I wore them out. We played Jem and She-ra in the swimming pool.

Isn't that Lion story the worst thing an adult could do to a child? I want to invent a time machine, go back in time, and sock that lady in the face for taking the last lion while a 5-year-old is reaching up to get it herself. There's a special word for her, which I won't use on here because it's un-Christian.

I loved some Smurfs, Scooby-Doo, and Bugs Bunny/Warner Brothers. Those were good times...

Les said...

You are truly the best friend a girl could have! I can't believe you remembered that story! I would also like to build a time machine and sock that (insert ugly word here) in the face.

Unknown said...

Loved she-ra and he-man. Wonder if they will ever make those into movies? I still have my she-ra toy from back in the day. Aww memories.

Blessings All Mine said...

Obviously, the lady who took the last one was NOT A MOMMA, or maybe she was...and she was getting it for her kids? Who knows? Still very low of her to "out-do" a 5 year old.

LeLe said...

Well, Les, I know the incident really scarred you, so a best friend's gotta remember something like that! Kinda like when I fell flat on my face but my legs kept kickin' at the Greek Olympics? Ha!!!

Oh, remember Ninja Turtles? Jared and I would play Barbies and Ninja Turtles. We were mega-dorks.