Tuesday, January 29, 2008

8 seconds, thats nothing!

I used to think that bull riders had it tough, staying on a raging bull for about 8 seconds seems pretty amazing. Well my flight to St. Louis tonight was bumpy to say the least. I got to the Little Rock airport and as I was sitting in the airplane there was so much wind blowing that I thought that it was going to achieve flight without the engines on. The wind as most of you who read this already know, was pretty strong and gusty tonight!!! The max wind gusts at Little Rock were in upwards of 50 knots (60+ mph). Well after climbing through 3000 ft or so it smoothed out and was a pretty nice flight (only took 1 hour 5 min). Well the winds at St. Louis were not anymore forgiving as they were gusting up to 42 knots, but they were right down the runway. Well the landing and flight was a success, or else I wouldn't be posting this blog. And I just got off the phone with the flight service station (they give me the weather for the flight) and it looks as if I will have a tailwind on the way back since the front has passed through the area, woo hoo. Only thing I would have done differently is maybe bring along some long underwear as it is about -5 degrees Celsius outside!


LeLe said...

When did you convert to the metric system? :)

MJD said...

pilots use celcius... all of our weather forecasts and current weather observations are in Celcius.

LeLe said...

I figured. Just giving you a hard time.

BTW, love the new photo. You look like a giant on Rylee's gym.

Les said...

You need to update your profile. You still have on there that we've been married for 2 1/2. We've been married for almost 3 1/2 years. You're a year off.

Anonymous said...

The wind was pretty rough!

Blessings All Mine said...

Yes, that wind was tough. It blew limbs on my brand new car from yards away...as in my attempt to park away from the trees in order to protect said car was futile. Yeah...

LC said...

Love the new pic. Maybe you could post the one of les doing the same thing! Too funny! I didn't understand your story with all the knots and degrees celcius, but it sounded nasty!!

Unknown said...

Yes, I like your new picture too. I must say that I never knew what you had on your head before. Yes, you do need to update your profile. Yes, I like that you are writing on this blog again. Love, MOM

LC said...

Mrs. Bonnie- the old picture he was ATTEMPTING to wear Rylee's bicycle helmet! The picture didn't do it any justice because it was the funniest thing I've ever seen! Hope all is well on your end!

LeLe said...

Okay, I know you're busy, but at least give us another post. It can be short. Tired of seeing "8 Seconds..."

From your friendly neighborhood blog police,