Thursday, July 26, 2007

Two trips to Fayetteville in the same day...

Got a phone call at 6 a.m. this morning to take a trip in the Commander (thats the twin engine airplane at work) up to Fayetteville, we took some of the big wigs from the forestry commission up there for a meeting. Well thats where Les is, only problem is that she can't hang out or even talk that long on her cell due to cheerleading matters. She called me a little while later and asked if I would come up and hang out over the weekend w/ the fam. So I am at the house, cleaning up and packing for the return trip up there this evening! Makes me wish that I owned an airplane... it only took 2 1/2 hours to go from Malvern to Conway to Fayetteville and back! It will take me that long today to get to Russelville via I's 30 & 40! Well all else is well here, hope that everyone else has a good weekend.


B Lines said...

Oh yeah MJD, get yourself a plane and you can take all your and Les's friends wherever they wish to go..... I mean, that's what friends are for....right?? Maybe LeLe could be a flight attendant for ya? MK could be your co-pilot... and then you could take all the mamas shopping in Dallas for the day or something. Whaddya think?

LeLe said...

Sounds good to me! Apple Juice and peanuts anyone? Be aware of all emergency exits. Blah, blah, blah.

Anonymous said...

I found out a couple of nights ago that a good friend of my husbands that lives down the block from us is also a good friend of yours. He had some pilot suggestions for you...cause he is one. =)
Rob Quinn is so excited that you are moving to Sheridan. Thought you'd like to know!

LeLe said...

Sooz, I forgot to tell you that MJD and Rob went to school together. Duh. Stupid me.