Friday, July 13, 2007

I wonder what the sun looks like...

It has rained so much this week that it almost makes you forget that this is actually summertime! But I know that the second that I pray and hope for sunnier days... it will be a 100 degrees in the shade and unbearable. Well the wife and I are going to see the new Harry Potter movie tonight, should be a good one. Bye for now and everyone keep an eye on the weather and be careful... lightning struck our hanger again!


Anonymous said...

Love Harry Potter...yes I think all children should see it and explore their wonderful imaginations...I don't think it will harm them and cause them to be weirdos. It is whatever you make it out to be to kiddos.
I hope for rave reviews from you and Les!
Wishing for some sunshine in LR!

LeLe said...

I never got into the whole Harry Potter phenomenon. I don't have philosophical issues with it like some people. I don't's fiction just like Lord of the Rings and Gandalf was a wizard. I just never got into it. You know me and my not wanting to follow the crowd! :) Anyway, be careful and hope you have a good time tonight.

Blessings All Mine said...

I like the Harry Potter movies! And, I love how you refer to Les as "the wife." Too cute!

MJD said...

I thought that the movie was really good... but I never read the book. Les kept saying that it left alot of important details out and they changed the story line some in the movie.

LeLe said...

I wonder what Matt looks like...I've been missing your posts. What happened? It quit raining I guess and you had to work. Well, it's raining now so you should be posting.