Saturday, July 7, 2007

About me...

I guess this is a formal introduction post... my name is Matt I am a pilot for the Forestry Service. The reason I now have a blog? My wife has one so now so do I. My wife is a Jr. High english teacher which means that my posts will be edited and returned to me with several red pen marks as I did not usually score exceptionally well in English while in school! She and I are both pretty die-hard sports fans, especially Arkansas Razorbacks fans! I have alot of favorite sports teams and my wife usually gives me a hard time about them all being horrible... she is pretty accurate with this statement, but to be a fan is to remain loyal, is it not? My wife and I have been married for 3 years coming up in September. She and I have been together a total of about 8 years and we can still make each other crack up and laugh which is really amazing after that much time spent together! I will give the one or two people that may stumble on this blog by accident this one piece of advice... if at all possible marry your best friend you can't go wrong, unless your best-friend is of the same sex, that might be a little odd! Well I hope that this been informative, because I have to go mow the lawn as the wife and I are going to Little Rock today to see the movie "Transformers" today.


Les said...

I love your new blog! You are the best husband in the whole wide world! :)

LeLe said...

Wow! Les is letting you go see Transformers? Who'd a thunk it? However, she did like He-Man as a child, so I guess those 80s male-dominated cartoons were her preference. Haha.

I can't BELIEVE y'all have been together for 8 years. And amen to the marrying your best friend. You can't go wrong with that!

LeLe said...

Oh, yeah. I'm adding you to my blog links. Hope you don't mind.

B Lines said...

Matt, I feel a bit better about starting my own blog now. I really do look forward to your future posts. I haven't had the opportunity to spend time with you, but LeLe tells me you are a funny guy. We all need to laugh, so have at it kiddo!

LeLe's Momma

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the blog world. I'm a friend of lele's and mk's. Great blog for a pilot.