Sunday, March 30, 2008

No understando, mathmaticos...

Well I went to Walmart here in town... I bought 2 postcards, and one pack of gum, guess how long it took to purchase said items... 45 minutes. I first off blew the cashiers mind, by handing her a gift card that I had, she tried to swipe it about 50 times, no joy on that. So I hand the lady $2.00 for the $1.39 worth of goodies and she procedes to type in $20.00 into her cash register. Well I thought there for a second that I was going to be making out like a bandit... I will most gladly take $18.21 in change in exchange for two dollars. Well after about another 20 minutes and what I can only gather as cuss words in espanol the cashier finally gets her manager over to my register to help us out. Yeah that didn't work either, the manager couldn't get it entered into the register either. She then procedes to cancel out the whole order and open the cash register to just go ahead and just give me my change and end my misery. She looks at her co-worker and what was said next baffles me... "just go ahead and give him the $0.71 you owe him in change." I corrected her and said that she only owes me $0.61 and this lady tells me that I am wrong. I know that I didn't study extremelly hard in college, but I am pretty sure I can do simple math. She has to get out a calculator to figure up the amount of change and finally figures out that I was right. If you come to our country and work here and live here, learn the language first and foremost (do not talk to all of your co-workers, customers, everyone in the store but me in Spanish, who knows you could all be making fun of me again, like you guys did in McDonalds.) then the other thing is to learn how to do math, and then have the common sense to question a native (thats me) about my mathmatical prowess!!! Well enough ranting for now, or until my next trip to Walmart.


LeLe said...

Oh, MJD...these stories are great. I try not to be judgmental, but it's hard when you hear about stories JUST LIKE THIS. Hope you don't have any more mathematical/monetary issues. I'm impressed with your use of the word "prowess." Les has been rubbing off on ya, huh? Haha.

Unknown said...

Oh, I see now why you called me, instead of asking the cashier if you have to put a stamp on a post card to mail it!!!!!! HUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MOM

Anonymous said...

Another reason I hate Wal-mart.

LC said...

Oh the fun of WalMart!! Don't you just love the non-math at WalMart. Once at Sonic I had a lady take my money and ask me how much I owed her. Seriously, you owe me the cost of my meal for not being smart enough to figure out the change!! Come on!!!! The fact that they needed a calculator cracks me up. What smart people! I bet your Dad was laughing on this one!

Blessings All Mine said...

I think if you have more than the average amount of common sense, they don't hire you at Walmart.