Monday, March 3, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Well for the 4th or 5th consecutive day we have been without anything to do here in Amarillo, as there has not been a fire in quite some time. Well last night Amarillo recieved about 2 inches of snow which has all moved out to the west of us. Well needless to say the snow sure does knockdown the fire danger! Well tomorrow I will be headed back to Arkansas at about 6 pm after a long and arduous day of sitting and napping and internet surfing here at the Amarillo airport. I can't wait to see Les, I miss her lots. Well Airborne is giving me Wed, and Thur off and then I will fly up to St. Louis on Friday evening since Airborne is again flying the check-run again. Hope that everyone had a good Monday and that your days were not to affected by the weather today!


Blessings All Mine said...

Snow? Wow...we had bad that our electricity went out at work and we got to leave early...

Anonymous said...

We had thunderstorms with mostly heavy downpours of rain..I'm still wishing like a little kid that we get a snow day!

LeLe said...

I know you'll be glad to be back home. Can't wait to see the new house with all the furniture and stuff in it.

Unknown said...

Hi Matt - Wasn't as much snow as in 1996 was there? We had a few flurries and some in Dallas, but nothing to mention. It's turned out to be really nice today.
Good Luck on your flight tonight. I'm going to be tracking you on Flight Aware! Bet you're glad that you get Wed and Thurs off. You sure deserve it. I know Leslie is dieing to see you, as much as you are to see her. Good luck at the new house and give me a call sometime. Luv, Mom

LC said...

Glad you are finally getting to come home. I hope the vigerous internet surfing didn't take too much of a toll on you!! I am looking forward to getting to see you again! Later!

LC said...

Glad you are finally getting to come home. I hope the vigerous internet surfing didn't take too much of a toll on you!! I am looking forward to getting to see you again! Later!