Saturday, October 6, 2007

new cell phone... yay!

I am finally getting a new cell phone after the last one bit the dust! In the words of Chelle... YAY! I think that is what she says but none the less I am pretty stoked about getting a new phone so that I can stop using Les's old hand-me-down phone. Well I know that no one has probably read my blog in a while due to taking a big hiatus but bear with me I will try and be a better blogger in the near future.


Anonymous said...

I got a Raz'r a few months ago and really like it. I am so not cell phone savvy though. Hope yours works out great!

B Lines said...

I need a new cell phone but I just can't make myself spend the dough. And like Sooz, I'm not too cell phone smart. I can't even remember how to answer another call when I'm talking to someone. Sheesh!

Blessings All Mine said...

Yaaay for the new phone...and the new post! haha